A La Mode for Baby

My A La Mode Cutie Pattern is my go-to giveaway quilt.

Kits for this quilt are on sale so you can make one (or a dozen), too!

One of my "quilt crushes" is on Lori Holt of Bee in My Bonnet.  I have most of her books (and fabrics, and templates, and notions, and...).  So when I found this fabric, I needed to have it ALL!

I decided to go with my favorite ribbon candy quilting on this quilt.  I teach how to stitch Ribbon Candy in my First Steps to Free-Motion Quilting online class, both free-motion, and using a stencil.

This quilt has already been gifted to a new baby.   I hope it will be spit up on, dragged, abused, and loved for years to come.

I only quilted in the background and left the beautiful fabrics to SHINE!


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